UPLB entered into joint, collaborative, and inter and multi-disciplinary programs with other universities and international R&D organizations and secured the certification of its programs through international quality assurance modalities.
UPLB is a founding member of the Southeast Asian Regional Center for Graduate Study and Research in Agriculture (SEARCA) aimed to foster collaborative efforts with partner institutions to enhance graduate education in agriculture, environment, and natural resources in the region.
Honor and Excellence
Established in 1908, UPLB is steeped in the same tradition of honor and excellence upheld by UP. UPLB’s forebears generated countless breakthroughs in research and established trailblazing leadership in agriculture, veterinary medicine, and forestry education in the country and in Southeast Asia. Its pioneering programs in these fields have been the models and norms of colleges and universities offering the same programs nationwide. The younger programs have, likewise, become models for universities in the Philippines and in the Southeast Asian region. These are in the fields of engineering, environmental science, development communication, economics and management, policy and governance, human ecology, information and communication technology, human and environmental management, and basic sciences.
A future-proof university that provides agile leadership in higher education for the betterment of local and global communities
To sustain UPLB’s relevance by developing methods, approaches, and frameworks to minimize the cost and impacts of shocks of future events and by honing leaders committed to knowledge creation, innovation and cutting-edge research, and public service
Core Values
Compassion, Collaboration, Consolidation, and Cooperation
Campus life
“We envision a future-proof UPLB— a university that has relevance and pride of place in national development and international dialogue, one whose human resources are not only at par, but also even exceed those of other global institutions. We aim to become a university known for its heart, for its concern and care for its constituents, and for producing graduates whose drive for public service and compassion for their fellow human beings are second to none.”
Dr. Jose V. Camacho Jr.