Centers of Excellence in Research
By virtue of a presidential decree, various research units of UPLB were recognized as centers of excellence namely:
- Institute of Plant Breeding
- Institute of Food Science and Technology
- Institute of Animal Science
- National Crop Protection Center
- Farming Systems and Soil Resources Institute
- National Institute of Molecular Biology and Biotechnology
ASEAN University Network-Quality Assurance Certificate
The ASEAN University Network-Quality Assessment (AUN-QA) harmonizes higher education systems and standards in the ASEAN, promotes mobility of faculty members and students, encourages collaborative researches, and facilitates credit transfer among its members. Ten academic programs of UPLB were given the AUN-QA certification:
- BS Agriculture
- BS Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering
- BS Biology
- BS Chemical Engineering
- BS Development Communication
- BS Economics
- BS Forestry
- BS Food and Technology
- BS Nutrition
- BS Agricultural Biotechnology
- Doctor of Veterinary Medicine
CHED Centers of Excellence and Development
There are eight academic courses accredited by the Philippine Commission on Higher Education (CHED) as Centers of Excellence namely:
- Agriculture
- Agriculture Engineering
- Biology
- Information Technology
- Environmental Science
- Development Communication
- Statistics
- Veterinary Medicine
National Centers of Excellence in the Basic Sciences
Through an Executive Order of the President of the Philippines, the following were named National Centers of Excellence in the Basic Sciences:
- Institute of Mathematical Sciences and Physics
- Institute of Chemistry
- Institute of Biological Science
ISO-certified Laboratories
ISO accreditation plays an important role in the exchange of goods and services among member states of the ASEAN Economic Community. UPLB has ISO-certified laboratories under the National Institute of Molecular Biology and Biotechnology(BIOTECH, ISO certified issued from 18 June 2018 – 17 June 2021), which are:
- Philippine National Collection of Microorganisms(28 January 2015 - 04 December 2019)
- Central Analytical Services Laboratory(18 August 2014 - 17 August 2019)
Performance in the PRC Board Exam
UPLB is a consistent top-performing university in various licensure examinations with graduates ranking among the top 10 performers. Several institutions and programs of the University have also obtained quality assurance certifications from third party organizations and networks.