UPLB has set up the AGORA Research Grant for Students as part of its move to adopt its new research and extension agenda, “Accelerating Growth through One Research and Extension in Action” or AGORA.
Under the research grant, UPLB will award a student or a group of bonafide undergraduate or graduate students who would like to provide the best solutions to specific research problems in the four focus areas of AGORA.
These focus areas are food security and sovereignty, resiliency and sustainability, future communities and institutions, and One Health.
One research grant amounting to PhP75,000 will be awarded to the best proposal from each of the four focus areas. The winners will be given only one year to conduct their research.
UPLB AGORA puts emphasis on the research and extension functions of UPLB as it works toward its mission of honing leaders committed to the creation of knowledge, cutting-edge research, and public service.
Applicants for the grant must be undergraduate or graduate students enrolled in AY 2021-2022 who have not been found guilty of any misconduct.
The student or group of students should identify a research mentor on temporary or permanent status of employment and has served the university continuously for three years.
The research mentor shall serve as adviser in the conduct of the research.
The criteria for selection of the grantees are creativity and innovation, significance and impact, scalability, relevance to the focus area, and feasibility, with each assigned a weight of 20%.
Interested parties may submit their application through https://bit.ly/AGORA-proposal on or before March 1, 2022.