Photo by: LB Times
Univ Lib expands online services during the pandemic

In this time of a pandemic, the UPLB University Library (UL) aims to move “closer” to its users by intensifying its online services.

The shift to online mode is made easier because the UL had built its e-resources collection and put in place online mechanisms even prior to the pandemic.

Through its website,, the virtual front door, one could chat with ELVA, or the Electronic Library Virtual Assistant, for inquiries and assistance. ELVA is found at the right column of the homepage.

In performing basic and initial research, one may opt to do this through the EBSCO Discovery Service (EDS) that uses typical search engine-like functionality as it crawls to various databases.

With this platform, one can simply type keywords on the search box and the system would then yield references on the topic.

To fully access online resources remotely or outside the campus, users should avail themselves of the access/account authentication services for OpenAthens and to other online databases from the UL. 

The same service applies to check the originality of one’s work through Turnitin tool. Interested users may email [email protected] for more information on these.

Library patrons may also request full text articles through the UL’s Online Article Request Services by clicking the “Request It” tab on the right side of the website to begin the process.

UL also offers a new service to send full text copies of requested documents using the Selective Dissemination of Information (SDI)/Literature Search Service (LSS).

SDI/LSS provides batches of full text documents on the topics searched from which the requester will just extract the document he/she requested. 

From its introduction two months ago, UL has already received 200 requests and searched almost 4,000 full text documents through SDI/LSS.

As an academic support unit, UL will also extend its services to faculty members as they implement remote learning such as digitization of course readings, as well as, its regular Information Literacy Program (ILP) and Library Instruction Services (LIS) on specific courses. ILP and LIS will be provided online on a scheduled and per appointment basis.

Moreover, UL will continue to provide regular updates and library advisories through its social media on Facebook, Twitter, and Youtube. The UL’s Youtube channel will also feature its events and tutorials on Mendeley Research and Turnitin tools.

Information on the availability of new resources and services will be sent by email blast with the help of the Information Technology Center. For any inquiries, please email [email protected]. (Virginia P. Alcantara)

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