Photo by: LB Times
UPLB-INREM project develops integrated bioproduction systems for a sustainable La Union

Strategic programs that integrate traditional and modern bioproduction systems have been identified to pave the way for a stronger, sustainable, and resilient Baroro Watershed (BW) in the province of La Union.

These programs and activities were developed collaboratively at the Forum and Strategic Planning Workshop on November 25, 2024, spearheaded by the Integration of Traditional and Modern Bioproduction Systems for Sustainable and Resilient Future under Climate and Ecosystems Changes or ITMoB, a research project led by Dr. Juan M. Pulhin.

The workshop was attended by about 60 BW stakeholders from public, private, and civil society organizations, and the project team to discuss ITMoB’s key outcomes and insights.

The workshop, which served as a culminating activity of the ITMoB project, was held in collaboration with the Don Mariano Marcos Memorial State University (DMMMSU) and the Provincial Government Environment and Natural Resources Office of La Union (PGENRO) at the DMMMSU International Convention Center, Bacnotan, La Union with the theme, “From ITMoB Insights to Action: Crafting an Effective Strategic Plan.

Stakeholders included representatives from local government units (LGUs), farmers, fishermen, and holders of seats of the Indigenous Peoples’ Mandatory Representations (IPMRs) from the municipalities of Bagulin, Santol, San Gabriel, Bacnotan, San Juan, and San Fernando in La Union. IPMR seats in local decision-making bodies have been mandated by the Indigenous Peoples’ Rights Acts since 1997.

Also among stakeholders that were represented were the Provincial Government of La Union (PGLU) and national government agencies (NGAs), including the  Department of Agriculture, Department of Environment and Natural Resources, Department of Agrarian Reform, Department of Interior and Local Government, National Economic Development Authority, Philippine Statistics Authority, and the National Commission on Indigenous Peoples. 

Civil society entities and private organizations were also represented, namely: Fostering Education and Environment for Development, Inc., Lorma Foundation, and the Baroro Watershed Management Council.

In her opening remarks, delivered through a recorded video, Governor Raphaelle Veronica “Rafy” Ortega-David expressed her heartfelt gratitude to UPLB-INREM, the Department of Science and Technology-Philippine Council for Agriculture, Aquatic and Natural Resources Research and Development (DOST-PCAARRD), and everyone who contributed to the success of the ITMoB project. 

She highlighted the project’s goals’ alignment with the PGLU’s priorities, particularly the “Kalikasan Naman!” initiative, which recognizes the vital roles of the agriculture and tourism sector in the province. She lauded its success in harmonizing traditional and modern bioproduction systems.

In his video message, DOST-PCAARRD Director Reynaldo V. Ebora reaffirmed the agency’s commitment to ITMoB. He highlighted the project’s significant milestone, particularly the development of frameworks and tools designed to predict the impacts of climate change and other stressors on critical bioproduction systems. He said that integrating these research findings into actionable policies equips grassroots communities with evidence-based strategies for sustainable resource management.

The program was divided into two parts. In the morning session, Dr. Victor Rex Cruz, Dr. Cristino Tiburan, Jr., Dr. Canesio Predo, and Dr. Asa Jose Sajise, work package (WP) leaders, discussed the project’s key findings, emphasizing the need for targeted interventions to sustainably manage bioproduction systems amidst climate and ecosystem changes. It was followed by an open forum, where stakeholders shared insights and provided feedback on the project outputs.

In the afternoon session, Dr. Sajise discussed the workshop process, highlighting the development of strategic programs that incorporate stakeholders’ perspectives into local decision-making and its implications for achieving BW’s desired vision for 2050. The participants were divided into seven sectoral groups: PLGU, NGAs, and civil society; upland LGUs; lowland LGUs; upland farmers; lowland farmers; fisherfolk/fish farmers; and indigenous peoples’ groups. 

The WP leaders facilitated the group discussions, along with Acad. Eufemio Rasco Jr. and Dr. Rose Jane Peras, both project specialists, and Kharmina Paola Anit-Evangelista, a scholar of the DOST-Graduate Research and Education Assistantship for Technology under the ITMoB project. Representatives of each group presented the outputs during the plenary session.

Following the plenary session, stakeholder representatives expressed insights and appreciation for the project and their optimism about using the outputs as a foundation or framework for policy recommendations and actionable strategies. 

Participants from the PGLU also suggested future activities, including identifying model farms and farmer champions who can help promote sustainable farming practices in La Union.

In his closing remarks, Dr. Rex Victor Cruz reaffirmed UPLB-INREM’s continued commitment to the BW, even as the project nears completion. He highlighted two key legacies of the initiative. Foremost is the recently signed Memorandum of Understanding between UPLB-INREM and the PLGU, which established BW as a site for INREM research, education, and public service to promote science-based decision-making in watershed planning and management. 

The second is the ITMoB Handbook, a publication currently in development, which will serve as a practical guide to apply the tools and methods developed by the project to foster informed and sustainable watershed management beyond the project sites. 

ITMoB is a three-year multilateral cooperative research project between Japan, Indonesia, and the Philippines under the e-ASIA Joint Research Project. In the Philippines, ITMoB is being funded under the DOST-PCAARRD until April 15, 2025.

Dr. Rose Jane Peras, an ITMoB project specialist, and Forester Jay-ar Raquedan of the PGENRO moderated the program. (Pia Montoya, Regine Joy Javier, Jeffrey Andrew Losloso, Laizha Lynn Lomente-Gacutan, Farah Sevilla)

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