Photo by: LB Times

UPLB implements inter-disciplinary and transdisciplinary programs and collaborative research and development (R&D) activities involving its scientific community and in partnership with local and international higher education institutions, research institutions, non-government agencies, and civil society organizations. 

Office of the Vice Chancellor for Research and Extension (OVCRE)

3/F Bienvenido M. Gonzalez Hall (formerly UPLB Main Library Building)
University of the Philippines Los Baños, 
Batong Malake, Los Baños, Laguna, Philippines 4031

Research Centers

UPLB houses one of the highest concentrations of scientists and researchers in the Philippines. They provide technical expertise in agriculture, forestry, natural resources management and conservation, biotechnology, environmental management, and related areas to farmers, entrepreneurs, and investors; government, non-government, and civil and people’s organizations; and to R&D agencies and the country’s policy makers.

Research and Extension Services

Extension and public service encompass a broader spectrum of activities involving community engagement through voluntarism, training, technical assistance and advisory services, mediated information, technology transfer, scientific presentations, and extension and action programs. Public service exemplifies the culture of gratitude and of selfless service to the country. Public service defines the Iskolar ng Bayan Para sa Bayan.

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UPLB to offer MS in Applied Physics and PhD by Research
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All News, Research
UPLB-INREM partners with Region 2 LGUs, and gov’t agencies to craft ISU’s RDE agenda