Photo by: LB Times
Sustainability Corner
Sustainability Corner

“UP Luntian – Leading the University Transformation for Impactful Sustainability

 As the premiere national university, the University must lead in building, nurturing, and embodying sustainability practices that enhance and revitalize the environment, reduce environmental impact, and promote eco-education and sustainable development. It must gear efforts toward developing sustainable habits for optimized resource utilization in its students, faculty, staff, and community.

The University wholly commits to environmental sustainability as guided by principles of human rights, democratic participation, non-discrimination, gender equity, social justice, and ecological balance.”

The committee must prepare documents and requirements to formally register to the R2Z campaign for universities and colleges.
Execute the 5Ps (Pledge, Plan, Proceed, Publish, Persuade):
These 5 phases must be diligently executed to secure our UN partner status to the campaign.
Social Marketing
The committee is expected to establish and maintain a dedicated website and social media pages to disseminate pertinent information and updates regarding UPLB’s sustainability initiatives.
Raise Awareness
Raise awareness of faculty, staff and students by organizing webinars and creation of instructional videos.
Pledge Acquisition
Secure pledges from each unit office within UPLB to actively participate in and support our sustainability efforts.
Model Office
Create a model office that serves as a tangible example of how to effectively operationalize carbon footprint reduction initiatives within our institution.

UPLB to pilot one college building as a pioneering model office that will showcase the implementation of carbon footprint reduction initiatives. This demonstration includes energy conservation measures, the incorporation of energy efficient technologies, the utilization of low-carbon energy sources, and the adoption of various other leading low carbon best practices.

Prepare plans for other colleges to participate in the next 12 months including budgetary requirements.
Recommend innovation and best practices
Continuously identify, evaluate, and recommend innovative sustainability practices and best-in-class approaches that can enhance UPLB’s efforts in reducing its environmental footprint and contributing to global sustainability goals.
Track Progress
Implement comprehensive data and database management systems for easy and efficient monitoring and reporting of our sustainability progress.
Ensure Transparency and Accountability
Regularly report sustainability initiatives progress.
Forge Linkages and Partnerships
Forge strategic linkages and partnerships with external organizations and entities to share our commitment to sustainability.
Raise Funds
Explore opportunities for securing grants and financial sources to support our sustainability initiatives.
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