Photo by: LB Times
UPLB and KOPIA sign MOA with Siniloan and Lucban LGUs on high-value crop project

On March 15, the UPLB and the Korea Partnership for Innovation of Agriculture, Philippine Center
(KOPIA PH) signed a Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) with the local government units (LGUs) of
Siniloan in Laguna, and Lucban in Quezon on a collaborative project on high-value crops.

The project, “Collaborative Partnership for the Training and Other Capacity Development of Farmers on
Modern Protective Cultivation Practices and Postharvest Management of High-Value Vegetables,” aims
to enhance agricultural practices and postharvest management. As part of this initiative, two
greenhouses will be constructed on the UPLB campus.

The Institute of Crop Science (ICropS) under the College of Agriculture and Food Science (CAFS) will play a crucial role in the project, providing capacity-building training and technical assistance to the
municipalities of Lucban and Siniloan.

The signing ceremony saw the presence of UPLB representatives, including Chancellor Jose Camacho Jr., Vice Chancellor for Administration Rolando Bello, Vice Chancellor for Community Affairs Roberto
Cereno, Vice Chancellor for Research and Extension Nathaniel Bantayan, CAFS Associate Dean for
Research and Extension Lilia Fernandez-Corpuz, and faculty members of ICropS.

Director Kyu Seong Lee represented KOPIA PH. Mayor Agustin Villaverde represented LGU Lucban, while
Councilor Mauro Adofina represented LGU Siniloan.

KOPIA PH facilitates the transfer of Korean agriculture technology to farmers in developing countries
with the aim of helping them increase their income. (Ana Vera G. Oleta)

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